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Scorpio Weekly Moon Horoscope - 26 May 2024 to 01 June 2024


23 October - 22 November

As you sow, so you reap is what you will experience this week. You will see that all the risks taken by you have ultimately proven to be of great benefit to you. All the effort you have put in will reap good results both in your personal and private life. You shall be very respectful with your choice of words when you speak to some elderly person or a senior at work and will be praised for your polite nature. Since you will have a surplus amount of money, you might as well think of keeping a certain amount of money for future emergency use. You may not be in a mood to socialize with anyone even with your partner. There is a chance that you may completely ignore those with whom you have a difference of opinion. Partnership business will prosper well. You may be linked up with some partners from another established firm who would accept your deal and invest in your ideas. You might be traveling a lot with your co-workers for some important task assigned to you by your senior. Make sure you carry the necessary documents required. You shall feel the need to get close to your family so you will try to get to know about your family members' wants and desires and act accordingly. There is a subtle chance that you will be going to organize a certain function for the entertainment of the elderly and it will even get you the friendship of elders. You shall take a step forward in maintaining your mental health and spend money for joining meditation and yoga classes which will be very beneficial for you.

















Color for the Week
turmeric yellow

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