Leo Weekly Moon Horoscope - 07 April 2024 to 13 April 2024
24 July - 23 August
As many things may be going on in your mind, you may not be able to make a proper understanding of a certain important situation that you may face. You should be careful enough to see through it and try not to fall into any traps this week. Even if you think that your juniors are not performing up to the mark do not speak condescendingly with them. Encourage them instead. You might have invested in certain stocks that you had though will go up with time. However, it seems that they are likely to slide down first and then stabilize. Chances are there that you have a difference of opinion with your partner over issues of job security and place of settlement. Politicians are advised to remain calm this week as any of your speeches or policies may backfire on you. you shouldn't go for any misadventure this week You might succeed in some personal task because of the long-distance travel that you undertake which will give you fruitful results. Your family may need you to do a lot for them and you will have to toil a lot to fulfill their needs as it will seem that no one is satisfied with you. There might be a grave misunderstanding with your friend as someone is likely to be jealous of your friendship and may try to break it. you feel discomfort while breathing. there may be many causes for that but you should do a breathing exercise to remain healthy